Our dedicated leaders of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Chattahoochee Valley have decades of experience in youth development and other specialized fields. They work together to constantly provide the youth of the Chattahoochee Valley with the opportunities they need for a great future.
Director of Administrative Services
Administrative Office
Director, Teen Services
Program Support Team
Director of Nutrition Services
Program Support Team
Payroll/HR Specialist
Administrative Office / Finance
Director, Grants & Compliance Management
Administrative Office
Marketing Coordinator
Administrative Office
Transportation Dispatcher
Operations Team
The North Area includes the North Columbus Boys & Girls Club, Fox Elementary School Club, and John F. Flournoy College & Career Center.
North Area Director:
Ronnie Bell
706-323-1743 ext.
Program Director, North Columbus Club:
Tomika Trimble
706-323-1743 ext.
Director, John F. Flournoy College & Career Center:
Lavonda Samuels
706-596-8781 ext. 801
Unit Director, Fox Elementary School Club:
Sophia Browne
The East Area includes the East Columbus Boys & Girls Club, Brewer Elementary School Club, and MLK Elementary School Club
East Area Director:
Brandon Williams
706-561-0938 ext.
Program Director, East Columbus Club:
Anissa Jackson
706-561-0938 ext.
The South Area includes the J.Barnett Woodruff (South Columbus) Boys & Girls Club, and The Club - Teen Center (South Columbus Teen Center)
Unit Director, J.Barnett Woodurff Boys & Girls Club:
Antonio Pace
706-689-3645 ext.
Program Director, J.Barnett Woodurff Boys & Girls Club:
Eboni Burt
Unit Director, The Club - Teen Center:
Angelica Graham
762-524-7285 ext.
Keith Pierce
Hannah Vongsavang
Jay Parker
Lon C. Alexander, Renee Archer, Michael "Lamar" Barnett, Jr., Jeff Beck*, Kevin Boykin, Jeremy Brewer*, Ben H. Cheek MD, Jodi Chhokar, Mercer Clark, E. Jerry Coleman III, Jason Cooper, Gary Dawson MD, Judy Dunham*, John F. Flournoy*, Jake Flournoy*, Martin R. Flournoy, Austin Gower, Patrick Graham*, J. Madden Hatcher III*, Meika Hilsman, Jeff Hudson, Randolph B. Jones III, Kristina Justice, Sean Knox, Mason Hardaway Lampton*, Richard Lane, Matt Mansfield, John C. Martin II, Chuck McClure Jr., Stephen McRae, Sylvester McRae MD, Gene Perkins, John Pound, Delaney Poydasheff, R.S. Poydasheff Jr.*, Bill Reaves, Chandler Riley* Charles Ray Sheffield, Heath M. Schondelmayer*, Nick Smith, Melissa T. Thomas, Jack G. Turner*,Thomas P. Watley, William H. White, Chester Woodruff, Christopher H. Woodruff, Robert Crane Woolfolk
*past president
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Chattahoochee Valley is supported by the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley.