Corporate Partnership



A "corporate partnership" refers to a company or business getting involved in the BGCCV mission. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Chattahoochee Valley is grateful to be surrounded by a city full of partners who are invested in our youth's future.
 Join our family of corporate partners today!

Ways to Support BGCCV

Sponsor an Event

BGCCV offers several sponsorship opportunities throughout the year. To learn more about the events you can be a part of,  visit our  Events  page. Interested in learning more about being an event sponsor?  Contact   Katie Evans.

Company Fundraiser

Is your company interested in hosting a fundraiser which benefits BGCCV? Our partners have hosted company-wide and even sports events. To learn more about this, click to contact our Director of Development Katie Evans.


Company-sponsored volunteer programs encourage employee teamwork and develop collaboration skills while increasing employee loyalty and morale. You can learn more about our volunteer opportunities by contacting Katie Evans.

In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations refer to donations that are not of cash value. These types of donations often involve a gift of your goods and services or your time and effort. To set up an opportunity to give in-kind, contact Director of Admin Services, Cathy Hemmings.

Matching Gifts

Many companies offer programs that match their employee's charitable giving up to a certain amount or match a percentage of donations given. One example, an employee gives $50 and their employer does a standard 1:1 match; Boys & Girls Club would receive an additional $50. There are four different types of donation matching, to find out more, email Katie Evans.

Thank You to All of Our 
Corporate Partners & Sponsors!

Without you, we could not provide the ultimate Boys & Girls Clubs experience. The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Chattahoochee Valley thank you for your dedicated and generous support for youth and teens in the Chattahoochee Valley. 
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